Saturday 9 December 2006

Fred at Home


p.j.r said...

oh my god, heather, is that a picture of you POSTING to your blog while you hold your newborn child?! because that's just amazing. and so funny.

But seriously, I'm getting teary-eyed just looking at these photos

Beth said...

Wow, Fred. Looking pretty cute there, buddy! You seem to be sleeping a lot, and that's cool. Your mum and dad need their rest, I'm sure. You're obviously very thoughtful. Anyway, babe, I'm waiting to see you in your fabulous sleeper that your kickass Aunt Buffy sent to you. So whenever you're ready to rock that out, that'd be wicked. We'll talk soon. xoxo

Heather, does the top of his head smell like heaven?

Anonymous said...

Too much cuteness. Can not compute.